showing 27 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagslanguage
Forest Dumb Forever APC&TCP (LK Avalon)1998 jumping walking enlabelimageminimize
Sword Titan Computer (Serio-Comic)1997 jumping runandgun walking enlabelimageminimize
Charlie J. Cool NRC (Nevada)1996 3.5disk jumping walking enlabelimageminimize
Obstickle F1 Licenceware (author)1995 jumping score walking enlabelimageminimize
The Amazing Adventures of Harry Haddock Towerbyte Software1995 3.5disk fishprotagonist joystick jumping music-chiptune walking enlabelimageminimize
Naughty Ones Interactivision (Melon Dezign)1994 jumping lives score walking enlabelimageminimize
Pinkie Millennium Interactive (Data Design)1994 jumping walking enlabelimageminimize
'Allo 'Allo! Cartoon Fun! Alternative Software1993 3.5disk claiming femaleprotagonist forest france health joystick jumping ladders maleprotagonist nazis prison restaurant score sewers train-location tvseries walking worldwar2 enlabelimagesubject
Bubble Gun Daze (Weathermine Software)1993 carnival jumping timelimit walking labelimageminimize
Charlie Chimp Europress Software (Europress)1993 animalprotagonist jumping primateprotagonist enlabelimageminimize
Cosmic Spacehead Codemasters1993 jumping walking en, fr, de, splabelimagesubject
Donkey Kong Bignonia1993 animals bludgeons cartoon constructionsite did donkeykong donkeykonglike earth elevators harmfultouch homebrew instantdeath jumping ladders langinsignificant lethalobjects lives mario mario-universe powerups primates rescue score walking enlabelimageminimize
Qwak Team171993 claiming jumping walking enlabelimageminimize
Super Cauldron Titus1993 3.5disk cauldron-series claiming femaleprotagonist joystick jumping keyboard walking witches enlabelimageminimize
Top Banana Hex1992 3.5disk claiming joystick jumping keyboard lives score walking enlabelimagesubject
Troddlers Storm (Atod)1992 jumping walking enlabelimageminimize
Trolls Flair Software1992 claiming jumping lives nonhumanprotagonist score toytiein walking enlabelimageminimize
Another World  Delphine Software1991 1life 3.5disk 68k aimdirlimit alienplanet aliens amiga1000 anotherworld aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-anamorphic cave chargingweapons cinematicplatformer commercial controllablehelplessness cpu-68000 deathtraps descriptivedeaths devsysamiga displacementfiction display-320x200 display-320x256 dodgechance elevators elevators-multifloor energyweapons escape flatshading fromanotherworld gamepad instantdeath jumping keyboard letterbox license-proprietary lifelikemotion lutris maleprotagonist multitools noaircontrol nohud prison rotoscoping savepassword scientistprotagonist screenshake serious sessilecreatures stepbasedcontrol stranded tentaclecreatures titularlocale walking enlabelimagesubject
Round the Bend  Impulze (Zeppelin)1991 claiming jumping tvseries walking enlabelimageminimize
The Adventures of Quik & Silva New Bits1991 jumping walking enlabelimageminimize
9 Lives  ARC (Frames)1990 animalprotagonist chargedjump felidprotagonist harmfultouch joystick jumping lives nonlethal platformer score stunning walking enlabelimagesubject
A Prehistoric Tale Thalion (The Lost Boys)1990 3.5disk claiming dinosaurs joystick jumping ladders lives prehistoric-theme score spiders walking enlabelimagesubject
Black Tiger U.S. Gold (Capcom)1990 barbarianprotagonist bossbattles dragons dragons-western jumping keys ladders lives monsters poles potions rewardingvandalism score secrets shopping timelimit enlabelimagesubject
Golden Axe Virgin (Dementia;Probe Software)1990 axes beltscroller combatanimals gianthumanoids goldenaxe hackandslash jumping magic meleeweapons mp-campaign mp-cooperative pinatacreatures riding swords unusualmounts walking enlabelimagesubject
Super Off Road  Virgin Games;Mastertronic (Graftgold)1990 afterburner earth jumping landvehicle latemodernperiod motorracing motorsport mp-versus offroadracing present professionalathlete shopping wheeledvehicle enlabelimagesubject
Soldier of Light  ACE Software (Softek)1988 bossbattles energyweapons giantmonsters jumping levelselection lives midairjumping nofalldamage robots runandgun score walking enlabelimageminimize
Thexder Sierra On-Line (Synergistic Software)1988 autoaim beamweapons energyweapons flying jumping mecha runandgun score thexder walking enlabelimageminimize